Do you speak software?

Do you understand how global software products are localized?
Can you influence localization priorities within product teams?
Can you ensure localization isn't an afterthought to technical teams?

The next cohort is Oct 21 - Nov 1, 2024

The only course that empowers localization professionals to influence software stakeholders

Learn to "Speak Software" in six one-hour seminars.


  • Understand how software is built and where localization can influence that process.

  • Learn software product development concepts & where localization problems arise.


  • Learn, and be able to use, software development terminology and language.

  • Understand how best-in-class software developers build products.


  • Stay current on new software development initiatives and how they will impact your work.

  • Learn how localization requests for fixes impact developers.

Get a free Software Globalization Glossary (1000 terms), Course Cohort Schedule, Pricing, and a 3-minute course overview video.

Or scroll down to read what localization leaders say about this course.

Software is everywhere.

Every business is being transformed by software.Food, transportation, healthcare, entertainment...No value chain is untouched.For some, software is the product.You cannot ignore software and succeed.

When you interact with software product managers or developers - what do you do?

I'm not technical.

You don't need to become a developer!Chances are you started as a translator or linguist.You know the value of building a new vocabulary.We provide a view into the world of software development.Allowing you to confidentially interact with any stakeholder.

Always ask for help.

Teams help each other, but time is precious.Sometimes your coworkers don't 'have a minute'.Google is great... if you ask the right question.Posting on slack doesn't always get an answer.Everyone is busy with their own work.

Hire an engineer.

The biggest shortage on earth are software engineers.So says the CEO of Shopify - Toby Lütke.One solution is a L10N engineer, but...Hiring is difficult, costly, risky and there is a ramp up.Can you delegate, manage and measure success?

Developers speak a different language.

Communicating with developers means learning a new language.Acronyms, jargon, and vocabulary are all new.You know that context is crucial.Collaboration is key to understanding one another.Sorry, but Duolingo doesn't speak software!

You can't ignore software.

You know content and translations.But how do developers work?What are their processes, tools and systems?What do they do and why do they work that way?How does software "code" become a product?If you can't answer those questions, you're not alone.

You are NOT alone!

What other localization leaders say about this course:

As a localization manager, I've always known what I'd need from developers in order to ensure a top quality localized product. However, the world of software has been a big black box within which a number of inexplicable things happen. By teaching me the basics of software development, key concepts and the ways in which developers think, Speak Software has empowered me to tackle software localization issues in a more productive manner.Delving into conversations with developers can be daunting, but this course will definitely give you the tools and the confidence to do exactly that.

Yngvild N. Trøan, Senior Localisation Manager at Deliveroo

Any successful manager has to speak their stakeholders’ language, there is no other way. For a localisation professional with no technical background, this course makes it easy to start having meaningful conversations about software localisation. It doesn’t just help you understand the language that product and engineering teams speak, but also gives insights into the way they work, think and make decisions, so you know what you can get done and what you can’t. One-to-one sessions are really helpful, too. You can clarify your doubts, test your ideas and get feedback in a safe, friendly environment.I can’t recommend this course enough.

Tatiana Ryabinina
Localisation Management Consultant and Co-Founder at Grow-thru

As a localization manager, I can confidently say that Speak Software helped me better understand the technical aspects of the software behind the localization processes that I use daily. Jerry's kind and friendly support also made learning complex concepts accessible and his dedication to incorporating practical examples helped me connect with the course material on a meaningful level.I am happy to recommend this course to anyone looking to elevate their understanding of localization technology.

Emma Wallerstein, Localisation Manager at Bitvavo

The Speak Software course does exactly what it says. It has enabled me and my team to have better conversations with our software development colleagues, and it has definitely increased our level of influence with them.Before taking the course, we had an internationalization initiative in progress that was not getting enough traction; after six sessions with Jerry, we were able to reframe it and get the support and active participation of the relevant leaders. We are finally making progress in this area!Jerry is a fabulous instructor. The pace of the lessons is just right, and he manages to convey an awful lot of technical information without overwhelming non-technical brains. The additional 1:1 clarity sessions are very helpful for bridging any gaps in putting theory into practice.Without a doubt, this course was worth the investment for us. So glad we took it!

Globalization Manager (Publicly Traded Company)

Taking the "Speak Software" course with Jerry was like diving into the software world with the best kind of guide you could ask for. It wasn't just another technical course; it felt more like exploring a new city with a friend who knows all the cool, hidden spots. Jerry broke down the nitty-gritty of how software is built and showed us where localization fits into the picture, making everything super relatable with his knack for analogies.For someone who always found software development a bit intimidating, this course was a game-changer. It was all about unraveling the mystery behind software product development and seeing how localization can sometimes throw a wrench in the works, but in a way that felt totally approachable.What really stuck with me was how Jerry made the technical side of things—like the specific lingo and development concepts—not just understandable, but something you could get excited about.By the end of it, not only did I feel more clued into the world of software development, but I also appreciated the complex dance between creating software and tailoring it for different audiences worldwide!

Senior Localization Manager. Global Software Company

I recently completed the Speak Software Course, and I have to say, it was exactly what I was looking for when searching for a course on internationalization for someone with zero software background.Jerry is not only thorough but also extremely knowledgeable. He knows the material inside and out and could explain complex concepts in a way that made sense to everyone.One of the things I appreciated most was that no question went unanswered. If anyone didn't grasp a topic right away, Jerry took the time to explain it until we all got it. If there were any questions Jerry could not answer, he put extra effort to make sure that he finds it and shares it with us. This level of patience and dedication made all the difference.Lastly, the follow-ups after each session were great. We received additional resources, recordings, and links to make sure we can solidify our understanding of the concepts we covered. This extra support really helped reinforce everything I learned.Overall, 10/10!

Paulina Makles, Localization @ ClickUp

After transitioning from an LSP into Localization at a software company, the biggest challenge is understanding what everyone else is doing! Release cycles, pull requests, repos, and so much more.Engineers have trouble explaining these at a level of detail that's useful for the non-engineer, but not Jerry.
This course broke down and clarified dozens of software terms that are now part of my world, things I only vaguely understood, and which I can now explain competently to someone else. Reading slack and tech specs,
I'm now left with far fewer question marks floating above my head.
I'm very glad I took this course, and I wish I had done so sooner!

Clark Munson, Senior Localization Program Manager

As a former participant of the "Do You Speak Software?" course, I can confidently say that Jerry's lessons are invaluable for anyone in the localization industry. His teaching goes beyond just the basics; he provides in-depth knowledge and practical examples that are taken from real-world scenarios.What sets Jerry apart is his genuine interest in building long-term relationships with his students. He doesn't just teach and move on; he's committed to your continued success and is always willing to offer assistance with any future issues related to the subject area.I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their expertise in software localization.

Multi-language Programme Manager at a Global Non-Profit

Do You Speak Software taught me the fundamentals of software development and significantly boosted my confidence in engaging with developers. It has empowered me to navigate the complex world of software and sparked a deeper curiosity about the field.The biggest takeaway from Jerry’s course is that mastering a few key concepts can set you on the right path to learning and growth. Jerry does it in such a well-structured and engaging manner.Highly recommended for anyone looking to deepen understanding of software and localization.

Ilona Zaharkina, Localization @ Monta

What is format of the seminar series?

One-hour zoom meetings with fellow participants. You get access to all visuals and recordings of the session. We also schedule one-to-one follow-ups to answer questions.Some participants have purchased additional hours of company-specific coaching and consulting. This is available on a per-hour and package basis.

What is outline of the course content?

Seminar 1: What is: Agile & SDL, Resource files, strings, key-value pairsSeminar 2: What are: Repositories, Software layers, tech stacks, IDEs. I18n Case Study Pt1Seminar 3: CI/CD and how not to break it, A Product Internationalization Framework. Case Study Pt2Seminar 4: What is: Unicode, UTF Encoding, Glyphs & code points, ICU in software, CLDR, localsSeminar 5: Overview: ICU Libraries, ICU messaging format, ICU arguments, software frameworks. Case Study Pt3Seminar 6: What is an API (and why it matters on a TMS, Software L10n frameworks, SDKs, Keyboard IMES

What is the business case I can show my company for this course?

Yes, Please contact us using the form below and request the current business case.

Is this expense reimbursable?

Yes. Our participants have this expense reimbursed by their companies. We provide support & documentation.

When are the sessions scheduled?

Usually over two weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays in the afternoon. But we try and find a time that works for all participants. Contact us for the latest cohort schedule.

Who teaches the course?

I'm Jerry Everett, the founder and teacher of the course. I discovered the localization industry while researching the problems of international expansion. You can see my LinkedIn profile or contact me by email. Like you, I struggled to learn the basics of software. I have been a life-long learner and teacher and love to help others navigate new territory.

My "Course Clarity" Guarantee: If you struggle to understand any part of the course content I will take as much time as you need (online, one-to-one, confidentially) until it is completely clear.

Is this course valid for Continuing Professional Development?

Yes. We are part of the Open CPD program. Participants recieve a certificate and badge showing course completion.

I have a question. Can I contact you directly?

Yes. Please use the form below and ask your question in the message area.

Get in touch, The OnGlobal Project, OnGlobal Ventures and the "Speak Software Seminars" are projects of:
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